Are you ready for 25 creative days of nature?
The Instagram Challenge is the cornerstone of the Vertelle project. Join in or follow along for 25 days of nature connection and wellbeing, interact with each other people's posts and see what you can discover along the way. Below are all the prompts for each of the project
The challenge starts on Monday 8 March 2021. Tag your posts with #vertelle so everyone on the project can follow your journey - I'll share as many as possible in my stories @rosieneave
* A note about the prompts - I've been working on this project a long time and the prompts were written before the latest lockdown measures were introduced. Some of the prompts suggest doing things with friends and given the current situation, this may be hard to do. However, we are resilient and adaptable beings so please be as creative and as safe as possible in responding to them. If you need to, bring a friend along virtually, either by telephone, zoom etc, please feel free to do so. Can you find a new way to interact with someone?
When does it start?
The Instagram Challenge starts on Monday 8 March. I'll be posting content from @rosieneave and you can also search for the hashtag #vertelle
Who can join in?
Anyone can join in with posting to Instagram but the overall project is for people identifying as female over the age of 18.
It's already started, can I join in?
Yes of course! You can join in with posting the content but if you want to take part in the wider, overall project after it's started, please drop me an email.
What if I miss a day of the challenge?
Don't worry about this. However good our intentions are, life gets in the way sometimes. If you miss a day or two, it's fine. You can either catch up when you have more time, or join in again when you can. If you can't post your own content, try and spare five minutes to have a look for other people's so you can support their efforts.
Can I use your prompts for my own challenge?
In a word, no! I'm really happy that you're inspired by them but these prompts have been designed as part of an ongoing academic research project so it would be greatly appreciated if you could respect the work that has gone into them (and is still being developed). Thank you!